Becoming Whole


Careful, careful, how we split.

Mom OR Dad, only HALF of it.

Sacred union requires two,

For both of them, are both in you.

We must make peace with all of them, 

To find the peace which lies within.

Please forgive and please let go,

For this is how we truly grow.

To love the two, is to love ourselves,

Which leads to love of all as well.



We were created from both feminine and masculine energies. These are the energies that we are composed of. In physical birth, at our most vulnerable, our two physical parents become the representation of our physical “God” - we rely on them for all forms of survival (First Chakra).

In many human experiences, there is often a trauma that occurs in connection with this physical representation of “God”, either from the feminine or masculine half, and sometimes both. From neglect, to abandonment, to abuse, these traumas get stored in our energy centers (Chakras), until we are ready to deal with them. 

Splitting is the psychological mechanism that we use to protect ourselves from this trauma. Often we split the two parents - mom is good and dad is evil, or vice versa. Often we split with both - mom and dad are good when they pay attention to me, and evil when they do not. We are splitting the two energies and/or splitting with both.

Splitting however, causes us to split with ourselves. Remember that we are also composed of both of these energies. When we split with either the female or male composition of ourselves, we are no longer whole. If dad is evil, so is the male within. If mom is evil, so is the feminine within. This leads to many forms of self dislike, self hatred, self destruction and suicide, as well as the use of substances to counter these negative feelings. Health imbalances and autoimmune disease are also a result of this splitting. If we are energetically balanced, we are physically balanced. If we love ourselves, there is no need to attack ourselves.

What was split must be integrated in order for us to become healthy and whole. We must explore the traumas that caused us to split. We must heal these wounds. We must forgive and let go, in order to forgive ourselves and be free. When we make peace with the masculine and feminine energies without, we make peace with these energies within. We now love ourselves. We now can love the world.

-Michael Garbe