Spiritual and Trauma Healing Symptoms

Below are some symptoms associated with spiritual and trauma healing:


Increased feelings of Anxiety and/or Depression, as your body’s energy is pushing trauma out of the body during this purification process.


The competition of two patterns of being. Your true self versus the fear-based conditioned self. Your soul, confined within your ego-consciousness. Think of two weather systems, one hot and one cold, colliding and causing a thunder storm. This is anxiety.

Emotional Swings

Ups and downs, crying and laughing, as emotions and/or traumas are processed out of the body. These natural emotional swings, unfortunately, are often labeled as pathology; manic-depression (bi-polar). Emotional swings are often correlate to energy swings, which can result in insomnia and/or extreme fatigue and lethargy, which again is often labeled as pathology (bi-polar).

Dizziness, Vertigo

The feeling of being high, disconnected, as if in another world. Sometimes we need to reconnect to traumas that we have been running away from; reconnect and process, in order to make peace with ourselves and in turn change our relationship with that which surrounds us - this is a form of grounding and healing.

Flu-like Symptoms

Aches and pains throughout the body, hot and cold flashes, as the body is literally purging itself of past traumas and negative emotions it no longer wants to hold in the body. Emotions will come out as emotion or they will manifest into physical symptoms to exit. This is the basis of issues such as ulcers and shingles which are caused by stress. We can process the emotional pain or we can process the physical pain - either way, it’s coming out! 

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues and problems, including poor or sluggish digestion, nausea, sharp and shooting stomach pain in and around the solar plexus region. Listening to our gut instinct requires us to have separated from the influence of others. The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach region and this is the chakra associated with separation/individuation and self identity. When this chakra is processing emotional content, it may also cause digestive disruptions for the time necessary to process.

Food Allergies

The body is not actually allergic to these foods, it just does not want these foods at this time and will react very strongly to them if ingested. The body may crave other foods, not usually eaten. The body’s intelligence knows EXACTLY what it needs to balance itself, although the ego may suggest otherwise; this may also result in anxiety until we learn to honor our true inner intelligence. Paying attention to diet is one of the best ways to get in tune with our true natural self.

Twitches, Flutters, Palpitations

Throughout all parts of the body, including organs, as your energy is moving through you, pushing out trauma and cleansing you. Eastern culture has known for years that the bodies organ’s serve a dual purpose, to process physical matter as well as emotional matter out of the body. Ex. The kidneys are connected to processing fear, the liver is connected to processing anger. 

Heart Palpitations

Emotions are connected to all parts of our body, but especially to the heart. The heart chakra residing in this region deals with issues of abandonment - which most of us had! When we are processing trauma associates with abandonment, when we learn to forgive and love again, we activate this heart chakra region.


Hearing buzzing and/or feeling vibrations in the ear.


Itchiness, tingling, or the sensation of ants crawling, as energy moves throughout your system. Itchiness may especially be felt in Chakra regions.

Skin issues

Skin conditions, as the body attempts to remove toxins from the body, both emotional and physical.


Migraines and Headaches

Heightened sensitivity

  • To light, noise, and any extreme stimulus.

  • To being in a crowded space or around a lot of people. During awakening, your system is learning how to differentiate between who you are and what you have taken on from other people, including trauma and false belief systems. These traumas and false belief systems were NEVER YOURS. In developing this understanding, discomfort experienced being around other people will slowly diminish.

Heightened energy

Heightened energy and sensations throughout the body and especially in the spine. Feeling as if there is a knot in your lower back or the sensation of this knot of energy working it’s way up and down your spine. When this energy is working it’s way up and down your spine, it is literally working it’s way up and down your nervous system, causing a multitude of the symptoms just mentioned.  This movement however is ultimately a cleansing, a re-connection with your true self. You are this energy!

Sex drive

An increased desire for sex or a diminished desire and abstinence from sex, as Kundalini energy is manifested and cultivated in this region of the body.

Blurred Vision and Eye Irritation

Resulting from a shift in consciousness. We are in a transition in which we are learning to balance our true nature, with the systems in place around us (sometimes conflicting), at times this joining of two worlds causes blurred vision. Think HOT shower causing FOGGY mirrors in your COLD bathroom.


With expanded consciousness we feel and see more.